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Roy Morgan’s utilities research is vital to new and existing players operating in the deregulated marketplace against rising generation and supply costs.
Our Electricity and Gas Household Spend, Usage and Intention to Switch Reports equip key decision-makers with the most accurate and relevant information, to ensure timely identification of trends and patterns in usage, switch-likelihood and satisfaction as they emerge.
Drawn from our world-leading Single Source, our utilities research contains complete data on:
- High spend, gas and electricity, and electricity-only customer segmentation
- Green energy versus pricing and contract concerns
- Profitable consumer bases: low cost to serve, off-peak usage
- Trends in market share, awareness, and likelihood to switch
- Media consumption and media used for consumer research
- Brand loyalty and satisfaction
Utilities Industry Subscriptions
No other market research tool can help you compete more aggressively.
Used with our ASTEROID software platform, you can re-cut and re-analyse the data to suit any business or marketing needs as they arise.
Our specialist analysts train your staff and conduct workshops to ensure that you can extract the maximum benefit from the data.
Subscribe to Roy Morgan to receive comprehensive, up-to-date and on-going consumer research in an accessible, practical and flexible database.
Contact us to discover the full potential of a Roy Morgan subscription in our Utilities Data Guide.
Ready-made reports and profiles
Utilities Reports
- People who are Likely to Switch Electricity Company Profile
- People who are Likely to Switch Gas Company Profile
Utilities Consumer Profiles
A Consumer Profile for your brand is already available to download now.
Consumer Profiles provide a clear, complete picture of your target market’s demographics, lifestyle, media habits, brand awareness, purchase intentions, satisfaction levels and values.