Roy Morgan Research

December 2010
22 December 2010AustraliaLetter from Canberra - Issue No. 30 (9 November - 18 December, 2010) Christmas Edition
22 December 2010AustraliaLetter from Melbourne - Issue 160 - Post election and Christmas Edition
13 December 2010AustraliaRoy Morgan Research today won the right to appeal to the High Court
November 2010
24 November 2010AustraliaREACTOR POLL - VICTORIAN 2010 STATE ELECTION Brumby’s attack on Baillieu’s Real Estate windfall 'bombs' with voters
1 November 2010United StatesREACTOR POLL - AMERICAN 2010 MID-TERM ELECTIONS Americans’ reactions to Mid-Term Election Ads - November 1, 2010
26 November 2010AustraliaVictorian Electorates ranked by Improving Health Services & Hospitals
25 November 2010AustraliaVictorian Electorates ranked by the Issue of Improving Education
24 November 2010AustraliaBrumby’s attack on Baillieu’s real estate windfall 'bombs' with voters
20 November 2010AustraliaLetter from Melbourne - Issue 159 - The Big Election Edition
16 November 2010AustraliaConsumed by Data - The Fast Thinking Interview Gary Morgan, Executive Chairman, Roy Morgan Research
16 November 2010AustraliaAustralian Electorates ranked by the Statement 'Homosexual Couples Should be Allowed to Adopt Children'
16 November 2010AustraliaAustralian Electorates ranked by the Statement 'I Believe Homosexuality is Immoral'
16 November 2010AustraliaAustralian Electorates ranked by the Statement 'I Consider Myself a Homosexual'
10 November 2010AustraliaLetter from Canberra - Issue No. 29 (September 20 - November 8, 2010) Diplomatique Edition
9 November 2010Australia“A Global Perspective” by Malcolm Fraser Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA)
1 November 2010AustraliaAmericans’ reactions to Mid-term Election Ads - November 1, 2010 Detailed Graphic of Reactions
October 2010
26 October 2010United StatesREACTOR POLL - AMERICAN 2010 MID-TERM ELECTIONS Americans’ reactions to Mid-Term Election Ads - October 26, 2010
20 October 2010United StatesREACTOR POLL - AMERICAN 2010 MID-TERM ELECTIONS Americans’ reactions to Mid-Term Election Ads - October 20, 2010
12 October 2010United StatesREACTOR POLL - AMERICAN 2010 MID-TERM ELECTIONS Americans’ reactions to Mid-Term Election Ads - October 12, 2010
7 October 2010United StatesREACTOR POLL - AMERICAN 2010 MID-TERM ELECTIONS Americans’ reactions to Mid-Term Election Ads - October 7, 2010
12 October 2010AustraliaAmericans’ reactions to Mid-term Election Ads - October 12, 2010 Detailed Graphic of Reactions
29 October 2010AustraliaState of the Nation - Australia After the Federal Election Report 6 - October 2010
26 October 2010United StatesAmericans’ reactions to Mid-term Election Ads - October 26, 2010 Detailed Graphic of Reactions
25 October 2010AustraliaVictorian Electorates ranked by the Issue of Global Warming & Climate Change
22 October 2010AustraliaVictorian Electorates ranked by the Issue of Managing the Economy
14 October 2010AustraliaLetter from Melbourne - Issue 158 - Pre Victorian Election Edition
20 October 2010AustraliaVictorian Electorates ranked by the Importance of Open & Honest Government
20 October 2010AustraliaVictorian Electorates ranked by Reducing Crime and Maintaining Law & Order
20 October 2010United StatesAmericans’ reactions to Mid-term Election Ads - October 20, 2010 Detailed Graphic of Reactions
7 October 2010United StatesAmericans’ reactions to Mid-term Election Ads - October 7, 2010 Detailed Graphic of Reactions
15 October 2010AustraliaAre Consumers Satisfied with Superannuation and Financial Advice?
12 October 2010AustraliaState of the Nation - Australia's Changing Demographics Presented by Michele Levine ACCORD Cosmetic & Personal Care Conference
5 October 2010AustraliaState of the Nation - Australia's Changing Demography - By Michele Levine (Powerpoint) ACCORD Cosmetic & Personal Care Conference
1 October 2010AustraliaThe State of the Nation & Victoria after the Federal Election Presented by Gary Morgan, Executive Chairman, Roy Morgan Research
September 2010
29 September 2010AustraliaLetter from Canberra - Issue No. 28 (August 14 - September 19, 2010) Post-election Edition
29 September 2010AustraliaFrocomm's 5th Annual Government Relations Summit 2010 Minority Government - A Stimulus Package for Democracy?
23 September 2010AustraliaThe State of the Nation after the Federal Election by Michele Levine, Gary Morgan & Julian McCrann - Powerpoint Slides
22 September 2010AustraliaThe State of the Nation after the Federal Election by Michele Levine, Gary Morgan & Julian McCrann
17 September 2010AustraliaLetter from Melbourne - Dockland Edition - Issue 157 'Our Wonderful Climate'
13 September 2010New ZealandRoy Morgan Research and Effective Measure to create a new standard in Internet audience measurement for New Zealand
1 September 2010AustraliaA New Look at the Australian Voter By Gary Morgan, 1974
2 September 2010AustraliaThe Realities of a Hung Parliament By Michele Levine, Gary Morgan & Julian McCrann
August 2010
21 August 2010Australia4 O’CLOCK ELECTION DAY RESULT, SPECIAL SMS MORGAN ‘EXIT’ POLL At 4pm Saturday August 21 - Hung Parliament still most likely outcome
21 August 2010AustraliaSECOND ELECTION DAY RESULT - SPECIAL SMS MORGAN ‘EXIT’ POLL At 2pm Saturday August 21 - Hung Parliament still most likely outcome
16 August 2010AustraliaLetter from Canberra - Issue No. 27 (July 23 - August 13, 2010) Campaign Edition
16 August 2010AustraliaTony Walker article in the Australian Financial Review - Marginal Seats
16 August 2010AustraliaMelbourne Writers Festival Business Luncheon 'The Art of Action' with Stephen Bungay
16 August 2010AustraliaCash for Clunkers Scheme Unlikely to Impact the Federal Election
6 August 2010AustraliaJobs forgotten in policy-free campaign - by Mark Wooden Australian Financial Review, Thursday August 5, 2010
July 2010
30 July 2010AustraliaLetter from Canberra - Issue No. 26 (June 18 - July 22) Pre-Election Edition
28 July 2010AustraliaRoy Morgan Research & Effective Measure Intl. pleased to announce partnership for creation of new standard in Internet Measurement
28 July 2010AustraliaThe Federal Election will be closer than anyone realises Presented by Michele Levine, CEO Roy Morgan Research
21 July 2010AustraliaWomen's Magazine Readership Linked to Electorate
7 July 2010AustraliaCEDA Conference Attendees compared to the Australian Population CEDA Conference 2010
7 July 2010AustraliaLetter from Melbourne - Winter Edition - Issue 155 Roy Morgan ranks Federal Electorates by Important Concerns
6 July 2010AustraliaAustralia's Self-Employed Have Swung Behind the L-NP
3 July 2010AustraliaThe Changing ‘Genie’ of Australian Taxation By Gary Morgan
2 July 2010AustraliaMarginal Seats for the 2010 Federal Election - Around Australia
2 July 2010AustraliaReducing Crime - Law & Order a Sleeper for the Federal Election
2 July 2010AustraliaEducation - Back on the Agenda for the Federal Election
2 July 2010AustraliaBlack Holes in Consumer Confidence in some Marginal ALP seats
June 2010
14 June 2010AustraliaSmall Business Owner Customers of Major Banks  Have Lower Satisfaction than other Customers
21 June 2010AustraliaLetter from Canberra - Issue No. 25 (May 19 - June 17, 2010) Winter Edition (in much of Australia)
18 June 2010AustraliaSham Taxes for Sham Reasons, Hamilton Club Address, June 18, 2010 Presented by Gary Morgan, Executive Chairman, Roy Morgan
May 2010
26 May 2010AustraliaRoy Morgan Electorate Report shows attitude to Health in all Federal Electorates
26 May 2010AustraliaRoy Morgan Electorate Report shows Marginal Electorate Link to Unemployment
11 May 2010AustraliaThe Mayne Report - May 11, 2010
11 May 2010AustraliaAustralian Stock Exchange refuses to release Chairman's Address At Today's Haoma Mining Special General Meeting (May 11, 2010)
6 May 2010AustraliaAustralians Evenly Divided on Rudd’s New Mining "Super Profits" Tax
6 May 2010AustraliaALP (50%) & L-NP (50%) Dead Level Rudd’s Long Honeymoon Over - 49% (up 14%) Disapprove of his Handling of the Job as PM
6 May 2010AustraliaConsumer Confidence Drops to 123.5 (down 3.5 points in a week) After Government’s Cigarette Tax Increase & Abandonment of ETS
6 May 2010AustraliaNewsBites - Resource tax panics sellers
4 May 2010AustraliaSports Participation, Viewing and Emerging Patterns of Consumption By Michele Levine, CEO, Roy Morgan Research
April 2010
20 April 2010AustraliaLetter from Canberra - Issue No. 23 (March 16 - April 14, 2010) Pre-Budget Edition
March 2010
23 March 2010AustraliaLetter from Canberra - Issue No. 22 - March 2010 Lots of new policies edition
February 2010
10 February 2010AustraliaLetter to all Members of Federal Parliament By Gary Morgan, Executive Chairman, Roy Morgan Research
8 February 2010AustraliaLetter to Peter van Onselen, Contributing Editor, The Australian Re:'Reintroduce flexibility to increase productivity'
January 2010
28 January 2010AustraliaGlen Eira Australia Day Breakfast 'Change is needed by all' - by Gary Morgan Executive Chairman, Roy Morgan Research